Graduate Program of


The Department of Physiology and Pharmacology offers  two graduate programs  in Veterinary Physiology and Pharmacology.

Major Professor: Dr. Md. Mizanur Rahman, Associate Professor; Dr. Md. Sodrul Islam, Associate Professor; Md. Shahidul Islam, Associate Professor; DR. Kazi Khalid Ibne Khalil, Assistant Professor; and DR. Apurbo Kumar Mondal, Assistant Professor.


PHP 602 Cell Physiology and Body Fluids (3 cr.): Cell: Organization, physical structure, functional systems, comparison of the animal cell with pre-cellular forms of life, protein synthesis and cell function. Gene and genetic code. Transcription of genetic codes, ribonucleic acid (RNA), control of genetic function and biochemical activity in cells. Cell reproduction and differentiation. Transport through cell membrane. Body fluids: Blood, plasma, hematopoiesis (erythropoiesis, leukopoiesis, thrombopoiesis), abnormalities of cells, resistance of body to infection. Inflammation, blood group, immunogenetics and biochemical genetics, blood transfusion, reticulo-endothelial system. Other fluids: Fluids in tissues, lymph, cerebrospinal, synovial, ocular, pericardium, peritoneum etc.

PHP 604 Physiology of Digestion, Absorption and Metabolism (3 cr.): Digestive system of different animals. Genesis and propagation of Motor Activity in the digestive tract. Digestion in herbivores, carnivores and omnivores. Neurohumoral regulation of gastrointestinal function. Secretory functions of the alimentary tract, enzymes and gastrointestinal hormones. Gastrointestinal disorders. Absorption of food stuff, water and electrolytes in different domestic animals. Energetics and metabolic rate, metabolism of macromolecules. Metabolism of minerals, vitamins, metabolic interrelationship and disorders.

PHP 606 Ruminant Physiology (3 cr.): Blood: Formed elements, physical characteristics, coagulation, chemical constituents and other body fluids. Cardiovascular system: Circulation, conduction system, cardiac cycle, heartbeat and action potentials. Respiratory system: Mechanism of respiration, gaseous exchange, control of respiration. Temperature regulation: Regulation against heat and cold, control of thermoregulation. Digestive system and metabolism: Physiology of compound stomach, ingestion of food, digestion of carbohydrate protein and fat, their absorption and metabolism. Excretory system: Kidney and urine.  Reproductive system: Endocrinology, endocrine secretions and its relation to reproduction in male and female.

PHP 608 Physiology of Integration (3 cr.): Nervous system: Structure and basic functions of the nervous system, activity of peripheral nerves, functional regions, spinal cord and brain stem function, aesthetic sensory mechanisms, brain regulation of motor activity, alertness sleep and related states, autonomic nervous system. Muscular system: Types and functions of muscles, theories and dynamics of muscle contraction, rigor mortis. Special senses: Sense of hearing, receptor functions of retina, neuro-physiology of vision, the chemical senses of taste and smell.


PHP 610 Immunophysiology and Receptors (3 cr.):  Lymphatic system, nonspecific defense, specific defense, blood groups and livestock improvement, blood transfusion, tissue and organ transplantation, immunogenetics and biochemical genetics. Receptors: Definition, classifications, origin, functions and role of receptors.

PHP 618 Techniques in Physiology (3 cr.): Laboratory exercises in haematology of domestic animals and birds. Photometric determination of different constituents (electrophoresis). Effect of cold and hot on isolated heart (frog). Examination of urine for its normal and abnormal constituents. Blood pressure measurement, effects of drugs on the heart. Study on isolated intestinal segment and uterus. Effect of adrenectomy, thyroidectomy, thymectomy, ovariectomy and hysterectomy on laboratory animals.

PHP 632 Physiology of Excretion and Electrolyte Balance (3 cr.): Urinary system: Structure and functions of kidney, formation of urine, micturition, regulation of urine. Regulation of water and electrolytes. Deranged renal functions, role of kidney in hematopoiesis and hypertension. The skin: Sweat formation and excretion. Respiratory system: Maintenance of bicarbonate concentration. Homeostasis: Blood buffer system.

PHP 638 Physiological Chemistry (3 cr.): Chemistry of blood, urine, other body fluids, vitamins and hormones. Chemistry of toxins and antibodies, interrelation of metabolism of nucleic acid with other food stuffs, abnormal exchange between fluid compartments, abnormalities of acid base balance, basal metabolic rate, hepatic functions, renal functions and other biochemical tests of diagnostic importance and mechanism of detoxification in the animal body.

PHP 640 Avian Physiology (3 cr.): Blood: Formed elements, physical characteristics, coagulation, chemical constituents and other body fluids. Cardiovascular system: Circulation, conduction system, cardiac cycle, heartbeat, action potentials, regulation of heart. Respiratory system: Mechanism of respiration, gaseous exchange, control of respiration, respiration in young birds. Temperature regulation against heat and cold. Thermo-regulation in young birds. Digestive system: Ingestion of food, digestion of macromolecules. Absorption and metabolism. Excretory system: Kidney and urine.  Reproduction in male and female birds.

PHP 662 Endocrine and Reproductive Physiology (3 cr.): Hormones: mode of action, synthesis, control, functions, estimation and status. Endocrine glands and other endocrine secretions, mode of actions, functions, regulations and their hyper and hypo function. Local hormones: Prostaglandins, leukotriene’s, gastrointestinal hormones. Female hormones and reproductive processes. Male hormones and reproduction systems, in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer and genetic engineering, preservation of gametes and embryos.

PHP 664 Cardiovascular Physiology (3 cr.): Heart: Junctional tissues, cardiac cycle, heart sound, fibrillation, heart failure, heart block, angina pectoris, cardiac abnormalities. Blood vessels: Types, pressure, vasomotor mechanisms and vessel abnormalities. Circulation: Coronary, pulmonary, cerebral, portal and fetal circulation. Electrocardiogram.

PHP 666 Electrophysiology (3 cr.): Electrodes, electrochemical cell, biological electron transfer, effect of distance on electron transfer kinetics, kinetics of enzyme electrodes, redox enzymes, direct electrochemistry, unmediated electron transfer to electrodes, nicotinamide redox coenzymes, membrane and action potentials, physics and origin of the cell membrane potential and action potential. Excitation and propagation of action potential. Recording of membrane and action potentials.


PHP 668 Cell Signaling (3 cr.): Definition of cell signaling.  Signaling between cells of one organism and multiple organisms. Cell signaling in multicellular organisms. Receptors for cell motility and differentiation. Signaling pathways. Interspecies and intraspecies signaling. Cell signaling technology and biology.

PHP 696 Reading and Conference (Credit to be arranged but not more than 3 cr.): Special study assigned by the Major Professor on the recommendation of the advisory committee and/or interest of the student.

PHP 697 Special Problems (Credit to be arranged but not more than 3 cr.): Investigation of special problems not related to a thesis problem as assigned by the Major Professor.

PHP 698 Seminar (1 cr.): Discussion on an assigned topic in the field of veterinary physiology.

PHP 699 Thesis Research (Credit to be arranged but not less than 12 cr.): Original thesis research.

Note: Students having CGPA below 3.000 will not be allowed to enroll PHP 696 or PHP 697 until he/she raises the CGPA to 3.000 or above.



PHP 601 General Pharmacology (3 cr.): Evolution of pharmacology. Pharmacotherapeutics, classification and standardization of drugs, qualitative and quantitative aspect of drug action and fate of drugs in animal body. Drug toxicity and statistical methods used in pharmacometrics. Clinical pharmacology: principle of therapeutics, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, pharmacogenetics and the effects of age, diet, occupation and diseases on drug disposition.

PHP 603 Chemoherapeutics (3 cr.): Manufacture, chemistry, stability, pharmacological action, clinical applications and toxicity of sulfonamides and antibiotics (penicillin, tetracycline, oxytetracycline, aminoglycosides, macrolides, cephalosporin, chloramphenicals etc.), antifungal and antiviral drugs, anthelmintic (anti-nematodal, anti-cestodal and anti-trematodal drugs) and antiprotozoan drugs; and drugs used for external parasites of veterinary importance.


PHP 607 Pharmacology of Autacoids and Locally Acting Drugs (3 cr.): Chemistry, pharmacological action, metabolism, toxicity, therapeutic uses and doses of different autacoids (histamine, serotonin and their antagonists, peptide-angiotensin and kinins, prostaglandins and their related factors and cytokinins) and drugs acting locally on the skin, mucous membrane, eyes and ears. Pharmacology of analgesic and antipyretic drugs and gasses etc.


PHP 609 Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacy (3 cr.): Evolution of pharmacy and official pharmacopoeias. Chemistry, isolation and purification of alkaloids, glycosides, vitamins, hormones, mineral and others. Chemical structure and biological action of common drugs. Pharmaceutical and chromatographic analysis. Drug design and drug screening. Pharmaceutical dosage forms and necessities. Prescription incompatibilities. Comprehensive knowledge of hospital, clinical, forensic and governmental pharmacy. Practical pharmacy compounding and dispensing.


PHP 611 Techniques in Pharmacology and Toxicology (3 cr.): Extraction and isolation of toxic constituents of poisonous plants for identification, preparation and efficacy of drugs used in veterinary practice. Pharmacokinetic studies of important drugs. Extraction and isolation of active constituents of medicinal plants. Collection, preservation and dispatching of samples for toxicological analysis. Laboratory diagnosis and estimation of common poisons. Antagonistic effects of common poisons and their antidotes in laboratory animals.

PHP 613 Endocrine and Nutritional Pharmacology (3 cr.): Chemistry, manufacture, pharmacological action, therapeutic uses of different hormones (hypothalamic and pituitary hormones affecting reproduction and metabolism, thyroid hormones, anti-thyroid drugs, glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids and steroid synthesis inhibitors), vitamins (fat and water soluble), minerals (calcium, phosphorus and other macro and trace elements) and miscellaneous nutrients.

PHP 631 Systemic Pharmacology (3 cr.): Chemistry, pharmacological action, metabolism, therapeutic uses and side effects of different drugs acting on gastro-intestinal, respiratory, nervous, cardio-vascular and urogenital, integumentary systems. Pharmacological studies on drugs acting on body fluids, electrolyte, blood and blood elements.


PHP 633 Toxicology of Pesticides and Other Toxic Agents (3 cr.): Sources, chemistry, toxicity, mechanism of action, toxic signs, diagnosis, post-mortem lesions, treatment and prevention of different pesticides, common metallic substances, solvents and vapors, plastics, toxin of animal origin and venomous bites and stings. Effects of pesticides and herbicides on livestock and doping toxicology.


 PHP 637 Environmental Toxicology in Animal (3 cr.): Pollution and pollutants, endocrine disrupters and its sources, effects and mechanism of action in animals. Toxicity of air, water and soil pollutants in animal health. Contamination due to pesticides, minerals and other inorganic ions. Toxicity of radiation and radioactive materials. Environmental pollution and its preventive measures on bio-security aspect.


PHP 661 General Toxicology (3 cr.): Areas of toxicology and toxicological evaluation. Chemistry, toxicokinetic studies, mode of action, general diagnosis and treatment of poisons. Factors influencing toxicology. Toxicological studies on chemical carcinogens and teratogens. Genetic toxicology of mutagenesis, clastogenesis and aneuploidization. Toxins and poisons acting on the central nervous system, liver, kidney, respiratory system, eye, blood and reproductive system.

PHP 663 Phyto-toxicology and Teratology (3 cr.): Toxicological studies of poisonous plants of various species and grasses containing nitrate, cyanide, oxalate, estrogen and photosensitizing substances, and other phyto-toxins available in Bangladesh. Toxicological studies of plant producing teratogenic, mutagenic, carcinogenic and allergic conditions. Teratology and its application in veterinary forensic, clinical, occupational and regulatory toxicology.


PHP 667 Autonomic and Neuro Pharmacology (3 cr.): Chemistry, pharmacological action, metabolism, therapeutic uses and side effects of drugs action on central nervous system (sedatives, hypnotics, narcotics, analgesic, narcoleptics, anesthetics, anticonvulsant, stimulants, non-narcotic and psychotropic agents). Chemistry, pharmacological action, metabolism, therapeutic uses and side effects of drugs action on autonomic and somatic nervous system (adrenergic, anti-adrenergic, cholinergic, anti-cholinergic and neuromuscular blocking agents).

PHP 669 Drug Discovery and Development (3 cr.): The evolution of drug discovery and modern medicine. Disciplines involved in drug discovery and development. Explanation of scientific, ethical and market-related considerations in the drug development. Identification and optimization of target molecule of active substance, in vivo and in vitro pharmacology, formulation, biomarkers and disease models, clinical trials, registration and commercialization.

PHP 696 Reading and Conference (Credit to be arranged but not more than 3 cr.): Special study assigned by the Major Professor on the recommendation of the advisory committee and/or interest of the student.

PHP 697 Special Problems (Credit to be arranged but not more than 3 cr.): Investigation of special problems not related to a thesis problem as assigned by the Major Professor.

PHP 698 Seminar (1 cr.): Discussion on an assigned topic in the field of veterinary pharmacology and toxicology.

PHP 699 Thesis Research (Credit to be arranged but not less than 12 cr.): Original thesis research.

Note: Students having CGPA below 3.000 will not be allowed to enroll PHP 696 or PHP 697 until he/she raises the CGPA to 3.000 or above.