Research Experiences in Research Project

(Working as research associate or principal investigator)

 Titles: Prevalence of enteric bacterial diseases in poultry of some selected poultry rearing units of SLDP area: Isolation, Identification and Pathology of the identified diseases.

 Funded by: Danida project in Bangladesh, Denmark

 Duration: July2002- Dec.2003.


 Titles: Produced Fowl Typhoid vaccine under the project “Production of Vaccines for Prevention of

             Diseases of Livestock and Poultry” Livestock Research Institute, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212

Department of Livestock Services, Bangladesh.

 Funded by: Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, Bangladesh.

 Duration: June 2004 to September 2006.


 Titles:     Pathogenesis and Pathology of Experimental Pullorum Disease (PD) in Chicks– project funded by BAURES.

 Funded by: BAURES (Bangladesh Agricultural University Research and Education System)   Mymensingh.

 Duration: July 2006 to August 2008.


 Titles: Survey of Salmonella infections in poultry of Bangladesh: Characterization of serotypes of

             Salmonella and development of rapid diagnostic technique of Salmonella Infections– project

funded by UGC.

 Funded by: UGC (University Grants Commission), Bangladesh.

 Duration: March 2006 to June 2006.


Titles: Rapid diagnostic techniques development for Salmonella infection and its control measures in poultry farms in Bangladesh– Research project funded by MOSICT.

 Funded by: MOSICT (Ministry of Science, Information and Communication Technology),


 Duration: March 2006 to June 2006.


Titles: Pathogenesis of Pullorum Disease in chickens.


 Duration: March 2006 to October 2008.


Titles: Diagnosis of Salmonellosis prevalence in poultry of Bangladesh and development of rapid diagnostic technique of Salmonella infection– Research project funded by UGC.

 Funded by: UGC (UniversityGrants Commission), Bangladesh

 Duration: January 2007 to December 2007.


Titles: Experimental Pathogenesis and experimental study on vertical transmission of Pullorum   Disease in Chickens – Research project funded by MOSICT.

 Funded by: MOSICT, Bangladesh.

 Duration: July 2007 to June 2008.


Titles: Experimental Study on Vertical Transmission and Pathology of Pullorum Disease (PD) in Laying Hens– Research project funded by BAURES.

 Funded by: BAURES, Mymensingh

 Duration: January 2008- December 2009.


Titles: Preparation and validation of Salmonella Pullorum coloured antigen for diagnosis of salmonellosis of poultry in the field – Research project funded by BARC.

 Funded by: BARC (Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council), Dhaka

 Duration: July 2007- June 2008


Titles: Validation of locally developed Salmonella antigen for diagnosis of avian Salmonella infection in the field – Research project funded by BARC.

 Funded by: BARC, Dhaka

 Duration: July 2008 to June 2009.

Titles: Genotyping of Salmonella in poultry in Bangladesh using Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR).

 Funded by: UGC, Dhaka Bangladesh

 Duration: May 2009 to April 2010


Titles: Validation of Salmonella Pullorum coloured antigen for the diagnosis of salmonellosis of poultry  in the field

Funded by: BARC, Dhaka

 Duration: July 2009 to June 2010.


Titles: Molecular characterization of poultry Salmonellae and production of formalin killed pullorum disease vaccine using local isolate in Bangladesh

 Funded by: KGF, BARC, Dhaka

 Duration: May 2009 to April 2011.


Title: Characterization of salmonellae collected from chickens in some selected poultry farms of Bangladesh

Funded by: UGC and RMC, BSMRAU, Bangladesh

Duration: July 2014- June15


Title:  Molecular characterization of salmonellae collected from chickens in some selected poultry farm

of Bangladesh

Funded by: UGC and RMC, BSMRAU, Bangladesh

Duration:  July 2015- June 16


Title: Phylogenetic analysis of salmonellae collected from chickens in some selected poultry farms of


Funded by: UGC and RMC, BSMRAU, Bangladesh

Duration:  July 2016- June17


Title: Effects of climate change on the layer farms in Bangladesh.

Funded by: MOST, Bangladesh

Duration: July 2016- June17