Publications (57 papers are published in which two paper in Korea one in Pakistan, one in Nigeria and one in Australia)
1. Haider MG, Hossain MG, Chowdhury EH, Hossian MS, Das PM and Hossian MM. (2003). Prevalence of Enteric Bacteria isolated from cloacal swabs in Sonali chickens. Progressive Agriculture. 14 (1&2):67-72.
2. Hossain MG, Haider MG, Islsm MR, Hashim MA and Hossain MM.(2003). A study on incidence of tumors in cattle in Mymensingh District of Bangladesh. Progressive Agriculture. 14 (1-2):73-78
3. Hossian MS, Hossain MG, Haider MG, Chowdhury EH, Alam MGS and Hossain MM. (2003). Morphologic and quantitative characterization of cellular infiltration in reproductive system of Black Bengal goats in relation to estrous cycle. Progressive Agriculture. 14 (1-2):79-84
4. Haider MG, Hossain MG, Chowdhury EH, Hossian MS, Das PM and Hossian MM. (2004). Isolation and characterization of enterobacteria associated with health and disease in Sonali Chickens. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 2(1): 15-21
5. Hossain MG, Haider MG, Khan MR, Chowdhury EH and Hossain MM. (2005). In vivo investigation of bovine cutaneous papillomatosis with homeopathic preparations. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 3(2): 114-116.
6. Khan MR, Haider MG, Alam KJ, Hossain MG, Chowdhury SMZH and Hossain MM. . (2005). Pathological investigation of peste des petis ruminants (PPR) in goats. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 3(2): 134-138.Bangladesh
7. Hossain MS, Chowdhury EH, Islam MM, Haider MG and Hossain MM.(2006). Avian salmonellas Infection: Isolation and identification of organisms and Histopathological study. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 4(1):07-11.
8. Islam MM, Haider MG, Chowdhury EH and Hossain MM. (2006). Seroprevalence of Salmonella infections: Isolation of causal agent and Histopathology. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 4 (2): 79- 85.
9. Haider MG, Rahman MM, Hossain MM, Rashid M, Sufian MA, Islam MM and Haque AFMH. (2007). Production of Formalin killed Fowl Typhoid Vaccine using Local Isolates of Salmonella Gallinarum in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 5 (1&2): 33-38.
10. Ahmedullah F, Akbor M, Haider MG, Hossain MM, Khan MAHNA, Hossain MI and Shanta IS.(2007). Pathological Investigation of Liver of the Slaughtered Buffaloes in Barisal District. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 5(1&2): 81-85. 11. Akbor M, Haider MG, Ahmedullah F, Khan MAHNA, Hossain MI and Hossain MM. (2007). PATHOLOGY OF TRACHEA AND LUNGS OF BUFFALOES. Bangladesh Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 5(1&2):87-91. 12. Haider MG, Islam MT, Chowdhury EH, Khan MAHNA and Hossain MM. (2007). The Serologic Response to Locally Isolated Salmonella Pullorum in Experimentally Infected Chickens, Followed by an Indirect Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). Bangladesh Veterinary Journal. 41 (1-4):7-16. 13. Akbor M, Ahmedullah F, Haider MG, Khan MAHNA, Hossain MI and Hossain MM. (2007). Isolation and Identification of Bacteria from tracheas and Lungs of Buffaloes. Bangladesh Veterinary Journal. 41 (1-4):17-26. 14. Haider MG, Ahmedullah F, Akbor M, Rahman SM, Khan MAHNA, Chowdhury EH and Hossain MM. (2007). Standardization of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for Locally Isolated Salmonella Pullorum. Bangladesh Veterinary Journal. 41 (1-4):27-37. 15. Saha SS, Chowdhury EH, Rahman SM, Haider MG, Sultana S and Islam MR. (2007) E Detection of Salmonella Gallinarum using polymerase chain reaction. Bangladesh Veterinary Journal. 41 (1-4):49 -58. |
16. Kumar BS, Haider MG, Sharif SMK, Khan MAHNA and Hossain MM. (2008). Pathological Investigation of heart of slaughtered black Bengal goat. International Journal of BioResearch. 4(4):52-57.
17. Sharif SMK, Haider MG, Ahmedullah F, Kumar BS, Khan MAHNA and Hossain MM. (2008). Prevalence of bovine mastitis in different dairy farms at mymensingh district of Bangladesh. International Journal of BioResearch. 4(4):81-88.
18. Ahmedullah F, Khan MAHNA, Akbor M, Haider MG, Hossain MM and MI Hossain. (2008).Investigation onto the Disorders of Female Reproductive System of Buffaloes. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology. 5(1&2):243-246. 19. Ahmedullah F, Akbor M, Haider MG and Khan MAHNA. (2008). Pathological investigation of campylobacteriosis in female of buffaloes. Bangladesh Journal of Agricultural University. 6(1):53-57. 20. Rahman SM, Chowdhury EH, Saha SS, Sultana S, Haider MG, & Islam MR. (2008). RAPD analysis of locally isolated Salmonella Pullorum in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Veterinary Journal. 42 (1-4).38-37. 21. Sultana S, Chowdhury EH, Saha SS, Rahman SM, Haider MG, Hossain MM. (2008). Mycoplasma infections in chickens: isolation, PCR detection, RFLP analysis and pathology. Bangladesh Veterinary Journal. 42 (1-4).29-37. 22. Haider MG, Chowdhury EH, Khan MAHNA, Hossain MT, Rahman MS, Song HJ and Hossain MM. (2008). Experimental Pathogenesis of Pullorum Disease with the Local Isolate of Salmonella enterica serovar. enterica subspecies Pullorum in Pullets in Bangladesh. Korean Journal of Poultry Science. 35(4): 351-350. Korea 23. Khaton R, Haider MG, Paul PK, Das PM and Hossain MM. (2008). Colibacillosis in commercial chickens in Bangladesh. The Bangladesh Veterinarian. 25(1):17-24.
24. Ferdausi T, Haider MG, K.J. Alam1, Baki MA and Hossain MM. (2008). Caprine lungs diseases and causal bacteria. The Bangladesh Veterinarian. 25(1):9-16.
25. Ahmed AKM., Islam MT., Haider MG., and M. M. Hossain. (2008).Seroprevalence and pathology of naturally infected salmonellosis in poultry with isolation and identification of causal agents. Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University. 6(2): 327-334.
26. Rahman, M. M., Haider. M.G., Ahmed. A. K. M, Muktaruzzaman M., Khatun, M.B., MAHNA, Khan and Hossain, M. M. (2009).Pathology of enteric lesions in dead chickens with isolation and identification of causal bacteria. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology. 6(1&2):129-134.
27. Khatun, M.B, Ahmed. A. K. M, Haider. M.G., Rahman, M. M., Muktaruzzaman M., Rahman, M. H. and Hossain, M. M1. .(2009). Pathology of lung in dead chickens with isolation and identification of causal bacteria. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology. 6(1&2):123-128.
28. Azharul-ul-Alam, M., Rahman, M.M., Awal, M.A., Hossain, M.T., Rashid, M. and Haider, M.G. (2009).Effects of vitamins and mineral premixe of different commercial companies on hemato-biochemical parameters in broiler. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology. 6(1&2):141-146.
29. Muktaruzzaman, M., Haider, M.G., Ahmed, A. K. M, Alam, K.J. , Rahman, M. M., Khatun, M.B., Rahman, M. H. and Hossain, M. M .(2010).Validation and refinement of Salmonella Pullorum (SP) colored antigen for diagnosis of Salmonella infections in the field. International Journal of Poultry Science. 9(8):801-808. Pakistan.
30. Hasan, M.Z., Haider, M.G., Begum, M.R., Rahman, M. M. and Alam, M. G.S. (2011). Pregnancy rate at first service artificial insemination in dairy cattle. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology. 8(1&2): 133-138.
31. Paul PK, Haider MG, Khaton R, Das PM and Hossain MM. (2009). Pathological investigation of fowl typhoid with isolation and identification of the causal agent in chickens in Mymensingh. Bangladesh Veterinary Journal. 43 (1-4). Accepted
32. Hasan, M.Z., Haider, M.G., Begum, M.R. and Karim M. N. (2011). Case-control study of risk factors for human infection with anthrax in Bogra, Bangladesh. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology. Accepted
33. Sultana, S., Chowdhury, E. H., Parvin, R., Saha, S. S., Rahman, S. K., Haider, M. G., Arif, A. S. M., Rahman, M, S. and Song, H. (2012). Escherichia Coli septicemia with mycotic infection in captive salt water crocodiles in Bangladesh. Korean Journal of Veterinary science. 35(1): 47-52. Korea
34. Parvin R, Chowdhury EH, Parvin R, Azaduzzaman M, Jannat N, Haider MG and Khan MAHNA. (2011). Development of slide micro-agglutination system for the rapid diagnosis of Salmonella infection in the chicken. Korean Journal of Poultry Science. (Accepted).
35. Haider, M. G. and Islam, M. R. (2012). Factors Affecting the Job Satisfaction of Employees of the Livestock Research Institute (LRI), Mohakhali, Dhaka. Journal of Dhaka International University. 4(1): 174-182.
36. Haider, M. G., Chowdhury, E. H. Ahmed, A. K. M. and Hossain, M. (2012). Experimental pathogenesis of pullorum disease in chicks by local isolate of Salmonella Pullorum in Bangladesh. Journal of Bangladesh Agricultural University. 10(1):87-94.
37. M.G. Haider, E.H. Chowdhury, S.M. K. Sharif and M.M. Hossain. (2013).Pathogenesis of Pullorum disease (PD) in chickens by local isolate of Salmonella Pullorum in Bangladesh. SARRC Journal of Agricultural. 11(2): 01-16. Dhaka, Bangladesh
38. M.Z. Hasan, M.G. Haider, M.R. Begum, M. A. Kalam, M.H. Faruquee and S. Rahman. (2013). Knowledge, attitude and practice of Bangladeshi poultry farmers concerning the use of antibiotics. Ann. Bangladesh Agric. 17(1& 2):191-197.
39. Golam Haider, Emdadul Haque chowdhury and Mokbul Hossain. (2014). Mode of vertical transmission of Salmonella enterica sub. enterica serovar Pullorum in chickens. African Journal of Microbiology Research. Vol. 8 (12): 1344-1351. Nigeria
40. Abu Sadeque Selim and Golam Haider. (2014). Studies on the viable bacteria of commercial probiotic products available in Bangladesh. World J. Microbiol. Vol 1(2):010-012.
41. Nahar M.N., Asaduzzaman, M., Haider, M.G., Baki, M. A., Rahman, S. and Hossain, M.M. (2014). Pathological Investigation on Bovine Uterus and Isolation of Associated Bacteria. Ann. Bangladesh Agric. 18(1): 105-114.
42. P.K. Paul, M.G. Haider, R. Khatun, S.K. Ghosh, P.M..Das and M.M. Hossain. (2014). Pathological investigation of fowl typhoid in chickens in MYmensingh. Ann. Bangladesh Agric. 18(2):33-41
43. M.A. Halim , M.A. Awal , M. Mostofa , M.R. Haque, M. G. Haider and A. Khair A. (2015). Effects of Spirulina against Arsenic induced Toxicity in Goats. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology. 12(1-4): 75-80.
44. M.M.H. Mahmood, M.A. Awal, M. Mostofa, M.R. Haque, M.G. Haider, M.N. Islam and A. Khair. (2015). Hemato-biochemical and Histo-pathological Changes on Nitrite Toxicity in Rats. Journal of the Bangladesh Society for Agricultural Science and Technology. 12(1-4): 81-86.
45. Md. Taimur Islam, Anup Kumar Talukder, Md. Ataur Rahman, Md. Golam Haider and Abu Nasar Md. Aminoor Rahman. (2016). Incidence of diseases in Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) with special reference to bacterial and viral diseases in some selected areas of Bangladesh. Asian Australas. J. Biosci. Biotechnol. 2016, 1 (3), 410-418 46. Anup Kumar Talukder. Md. Ataur Rahman, Sang Hyoun Park, Mohmmad Nizam Uddin Chowdhury, Md. Golam Haider, Tapan Kumar Dey, Abu Naser Md. Aminoor Rahman and Ziban Chandra Das. (2017). Clinical Management of Maggot wounds in Bengal Tigers (Panther tigris tigris). J. A. Vet. Anim. Res. 4(1): 104-109. 47. Mohammad Taimur Islam, Anup Kumar Talukder , Milton Talukder , Mohammad Rohul Amin , Khondoker Jahengir Alam , Mohammad Golam Haider. (2017). Mercury Intoxication in Rats: Iron and Vitamin B6 as A Potential Therapy. Iranian Journal of Toxicology.11(4):19-26 48.M.N.48. Hoque, Z.C. Das, A.N.M.A. Rahman, M.G. Haider, M.A. Islam. (2018). Molecular characterization of Staphyloccus aureus strains in bovine mastitis milk in Bangladesh. International Journal of Veterinary science and Medicine. 6(2018) 53-60. 49. S.M.M.R. Sumon, M. G. Haider, M.A. Islam, S. H. M. F. Siddike amd M. R. Karim. (2018). Prevalence and antbiogram profile of Straphylococcus aureua isolated from milk samples of lactating cows with subclinical mastitis in Gazipur, Bangladesh. . Ann Bangladesh Agric. 22(1):22(1):51-60. 50. M. M. Islam, A. Khair, M. A. Awal, M. Z. Islam and M. G. Haider.(2018) Prevention of arsenic toxicity with spirulina and menthea in rats. Ann Bangladesh Agric. 22(2): 29-39.