Important research projects completed (after 2007):


Title of Project or grant

Funding agency

2007-2009 Impact of shrimp farming on agriculture, ecology and socio-economics ….. USDA Principal Investigator
2008-2010 Impacts of anthropogenic activities on natural resources and food securities … FAO, EU and USAID Principal Investigator
2008-2010 Effect of climate change on pests and diseases of key crops in the Asia-pacific region APN and NSF (USA) Collaborator (PI was from Australia), 4 countries were involved
2010-2012 Community based forestry and livelihoods in the context of climate change adaptation APN and NSF (USA) Collaborator (PI was from Nepal), 3 countries were involved
2012-2014 Vulnerability of home garden ecosystems to climate change and its impacts on food security in South Asia APN and NSF (USA) Collaborator (PI was from Sri Lanka), 3 countries were involved
2013-2015 Coastal ecosystem and changing economic activities: Challenges for sustainability ….South Asian Countries APN Collaborator (PI was from India), 3 countries were involved
2016-2017 Assessing land use functions for sustainable land management in South Asia countries APN Collaborator (PI was from China), 3 countries were involved