Welcome to the Faculty of Fisheries
The Faculty of Fisheries, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University was established in 2007, and started its academic program from Summer, 2009. The Faculty offers a 4-year BS (Fisheries) degree following course credit system. Since its inception, Faculty of Fisheries has been striving to provide the students with quality education in the field of fisheries. The faculty is currently running with five departments namely Department of Aquaculture, Department of Fisheries Biology and Aquatic Environment, Department of Fisheries Management, Department of Fisheries Technology, and Department of Genetics and Fish Breeding. Each of the academic departments has highly qualified teachers and offers MS program managed by the Faculty of Graduate Studies. Besides teaching and learning, the departments of the faculty has developed notable research environment in different areas of fisheries science. The faculty members are regularly hunting research funds from different national (Ministry of Science & Technology, Ministry of Education, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, University Grants Commission, Krishi Gobeshona Foundation and International (International Foundation for Science, Sweden; Blue Gold program, Netharlands) organizations. Within the short period of time, the faculty members have conducted a number of research works and published in leading journals. Presently the undergraduate program is running with 4 batches having 217 students. The faculty is furnished with well-equipped graduate and undergraduate laboratories, a conference room, a library with cyber room, hatchery and wet laboratory complex and an enriched pond complex.
The Faculty of Fisheries aims at becoming a “Center of Excellence” in fisheries education and research for ensuring food and nutrition security with entrepreneurial spirits.
The Faculty of Fisheries seeks to provide need-based fisheries education, conduct research and promote innovation at national and international arenas.
- To offer quality education with the highest academic standard at national and international arenas
- To produce quality and skilled graduates equipped with moral and ethical values to meet the demand of fisheries sector in Bangladesh
- To generate state-of-the-art knowledge for sustainable fisheries production and effective utilization of fisheries resources through basic and applied research
- To develop skilled human capital with entrepreneurial spirits for the sustainable development of the fisheries sector through effective teaching and learning
- To promote bilateral and multilateral cooperation and collaboration with different national and international institutions/organizations in the areas of teaching, learning and research