Following grants are available at BSMRAU. The period of 2012-2017 financial year the University allotted the following amount of research budget to the faculty members and academic departments:


Funding source RMW UGC Total
2012-2013 1465000.00 2300000.00 3765000.00
2013-2014 2162000.00 3000000.00 5162000.00
2014-2015 2150000.00 3500000.00 5650000.00
2015-2016 1900000.00 3500000.00 5400000.00
2016-2017 6700000.00 4000000.00 10700000.00
2017-2020 21200000.00


Current Research Projects: Internal Funding:

Sl. No.

Funding Source

No. of Projects

Crop Improvement 16
Crop Management 02
Plant Protection 07
Climate Change and Environment 07
Socioeconomics and Rural Development 06
Agro-processing 03
Animal Production and Health Care 09
Fish Improvement, Hatchery Management and Marine Resources 08
Sub-total 58


Current  Research Projects: External Funding:

Sl. No.

Funding Source

No. of Projects

3. Krishi Gobeshona Foundation (KGF) 07
4. Ministry of Education (BANBEIS), GoB 07
5. BAS-USDA 02
6. Climate Change Trust Funded 01
7. Ministry of Science & Technology, GoB 30
8. University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh 20
9. International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) 2
10. TWAS 1
11. Others 1
Sub-total = 81
Grand Total 139