Welcome to the Department of Aquaculture
Department of Aquaculture, BSMRAU focuses on demand-based research along with world-class education in the field of fisheries. In Bangladesh, the fisheries sector has been playing a very significant role and deserves potential for future development. This sector contributed the highest GDP growth rate in comparison to other agricultural sectors (crop, livestock, and forestry). The growth rate of this sector over the last two decades is almost steady and encouraging, starting from 1.781 million metric tonnes in 2000-2001 and reaching 4.134 million metric tonnes in 2016-2017, with an average of 5.61 percent. Again, in the sector of aquaculture Bangladesh is a role model as we have secured second place in the growth of freshwater fish production according to the report of ‘The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture-2020’ by FAO.
The country’s export earnings from this sector were 2.46 %. This sector provides about 60 % of the animal protein intake and more than 11 % of the total population of the country is directly or indirectly involved in this sector for their livelihoods. Inland culture fisheries contribute 52.92 % to total production in Bangladesh. As the wild stock of fisheries is decreasing, therefore, aquaculture must flourish at a rapid rate to meet the future need for protein supply. Quality graduate and time-demanding research are the prerequisites for increasing the total production and feeding our hungry mouths.
The primary goal of our department is to deliver high-class teaching and conduct time-demanding research in the field of aquaculture. We offer ten courses (45 credit hours), in BS Fisheries program. A highly demanding graduate program, M.Sc. in Aquaculture has been launched since the autumn, 2013 term from our department.
The missions of the Department of Aquaculture have been to develop the science of aquaculture for the well-being of mankind and to educate students of high standards of scientific, managerial, and professional competence in harmony with the environment, and to share knowledge and skills with world partners.
We possess some good equipment and land to conduct both fields based and laboratory-based research. Our live food culture laboratory is no doubt the most well-furnished and highly productive of its kind in our country to date. We also run various analyses regarding fish nutrition. We welcome any proposal for collaborative research on the field of our interests.