9th BoS Meeting
With the online presence of the expert member of the Board of Studies, the Department of Agribusiness, Professor Dr. Md. Ismail Hossain, the meeting began with a welcome address from the Chairman of the Board of Studies. The committee recognized the expert member’s practical guidance and mentoring. The discussion began with the meeting’s first item on the agenda, which was to discuss the upcoming term’s offerings of BS and MS courses. It is anticipated that the courses developed with an emphasis on outcome-based education will benefit students.
The committee then focused on research contributions and graduate student participation in research activities. The board then discussed the department’s revised organizational chart. A proposed institute, named as “Institute of Agribusiness,” is required to establish in the near future to address the global demand for agribusiness and to promote sustainable development. A revised organogram was developed and approved by the board in accordance with university requirements. Additionally, to maximize the efficiency of the department’s offered courses, coordination was done for the development of an outcome-based education outline.
Finally, the members discussed the state of the agribusiness sector in Bangladesh briefly. The members then discussed their experiences on transitioning students from online to offline education and how to avoid unintended consequences during regular classes and examinations.