The Department started its journey in 2007 under the Faculty of Agriculture. However, with the evolvement of the Faculty of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development (AERD), the Department of Agribusiness has been transferred under the faculty of AERD and functioning since February 2013.
Aim of the department
The Department of Agribusiness offers exceptional courses related to business and policy with a variety of customizing specializations. Our courses teach students to skillfully combine sound economic and management principles with agricultural production policy and technology.
Our Vision
The Department of Agribusiness endeavors to meet the growing demand for agribusiness as a key foundation of value-based education, research, development of business, and academic leaders of tomorrow.
Our Mission
To produce a new breed of internationally competitive and socially committed graduates in such a way that generates an influential contribution to public, private, non-government, and international organizations through the knowledge of agribusiness for the overall development of Bangladesh.