Welcome to the Department of Agroforestry & Environment


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Message from the Head

The Department of Agroforestry and Environment has been functioning since 1996 to produce quality graduates in the field of Agroforestry and Environment, which offers BS, MS and PhD level courses at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University. It has good research facilities providing to the graduate students leading to MS and PhD degrees. Already, the department has been awarded 126 MS and 8 PhD students and currently 17 MS and 5 PhD students are present. The department gives emphasis on resource use and livelihood for students’ research work. Besides its academic research, the department has good reputation of conducting contract research programmes funded by other organizations, particularly foreign organizations. Since its inception, the department had successfully completed several research projects funded by BARC/World Bank, BANBEIS, UNESCO, FAO, USDA and TWAS. At present the department has been conducting one project funded by TWAS. The department has wide scope and facilities for undertaking research. The department has well managed experimental field of 2 ha, with well equipped laboratory facilities. The department is acting as liaison office of the International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF) in Bangladesh since 2001. The department is actively involved in the Man and Biosphere Research in Bangladesh, and Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research (APN) as Scientific Planning Group Member. The department is providing technical services to the National and International organizations working in the country in relevant fields (agroforestry, environment, rural development, food security, land use etc) through attending the program planning, mid term evaluation and program ending meetings/workshops.

Best Regards,

Hasan Muhammad Abdullah, PhD.

Head of Department, Department of Agroforestry & Environment